The time just flies, well over a year since I last updated the blog, but I am back in the thick of it now. Having left the area this time last year for seven months, returning in April this year, I am still trying to haul the garden back into some form of semblance ! There were some advantages to being away as the garden had no chickens scraping up seedlings or geese munching their way through the climbers. So I have had stunning rose covered arches and an abundance of seedlings including – borage, red orache, burpleurum, anchusas, aquilegias, fennel, dill, feverfew, valerian and many more which are now being moved slowly but surely into the new or extended borders.
The chickens are now back in the garden, but the geese have been banished to the field and their favourite delicacy – my perennial sweet peas, have had a brilliant summer for once ! they are so strong and resilient, I have just sown a whole load more for next year, such a shame they have no scent. The “proper” summer has provided an abundance of berries and my arrangements at the moment include blackberries, elderberries, guelder rose berries and rose hips from the rugosas and the dog roses that I have running through the hornbeam hedge. Its funny how some plants fair better that others in the different weather conditions, my aconitums have really got going this year but my sedums have not liked the dry summer at all and are sulking on the back border !
Flowers are still going strong at Frensham Village Shop and I now supply arrangements at Applegarth Farmshop in Grayshott. I am in the process of setting some dates up for workshops at Applegarth through MakeUK, aiming at some Christmas door wreath days and then a bit later on Christmas arrangements. That time already ! lots of Christmas Fayres coming up too, so the wiring and creating will begin soon, along with the bulb planting, mulching, seed sowing, potting shed painting (which I have probably left a bit too late ) and more borders being dug, it is a good job I don’t need much sleep – I have a cap fitted with a torch for the outside work, so I had better get cracking…….